Thinking this DOW might go back up to 750 area
DOW, Long 624, stop -40
Had a very nice day which was needed after getting steamrolled yesterday.
Want to short here at 2375 ES, but weary of yesterday just being a 'blip' and we go back to 'mindless buying mode'!
I like it here for a short 'technically', though (not that that necessarily means anything in this market! )
Well I had my 2nd unit miss pretty much by a tick - so far now its down at 2368, so still 1 unit short going into tomorrow. Short at 2367.
This will be the area to defend if we are still in short mode, so lets see what tomorrow brings.
I was able to get a short in my spreadbet account at 2374.4 (spx)
Looking for 2366 initially
ZeroHedge the original 'Fake Truth' channel now brings an end to the Comey S&P meltdown.
Comey Admits Under Oath That Obstructions To Investigations "Never Happened"
This plunge in markets is because the Donald asked the FBI to stop an investigation, and yet here is Comey
"Testifying under oath in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee on May 3rd, Comey states that he has not been pressured to close an investigation for political purposes, "not in my experience.""
S&P 2450 by tonight. 😆 😆 😆
Morning folks, interesting day ahead, getting my popcorn ready!
I've eaten half my popcorn and nothing's happened..... Might have to save other half for US open..