not fond of suppression of free speak but oscar is heretofor banned from my thread..
postman, i am about to ban you from my thread, like you did me from yours.
\keep it up, and you are going
you are silly
i'll outtrade you any day
You seen posties spank thread? 🙂
not fond of suppression of free speak but oscar is heretofor banned from my thread..
after this cover, i'm done here.
i don't need this sh^t, nowhere, nohow
have at it aholes, enjoy
but you will not kick me around anymore
f^ck y^o
was it easy getting to my level, hell no??
christ, i get no respect
You seen posties spank thread? 🙂
you mean the "toastman"? i get burned on every trade, and at very least take heat.
that guy? rofl