Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

in twitter if someone make comments on a topic then usually they put a tag which is called hash tag

it makes it easier to search all comments related to the topic whether you follow someone or not

so if you put #FTSE they you will see stream of all comments where the author has tagged the comment to be related to FTSE

thanks for that info
Mark FTSE Trading ‏@markftseservice
#FTSE 5360 was my key level on Friday and clearly marked bullish and bearish activity above and below for the day.
Sonia says: ‘UK rates are (possibly) coming down’
Posted by Masa Serdarevic on May 28 14:16.
With all the excitement in Spain and Greece of late, it’s been easy to miss a rather big move in British interest rate expectations.

Consider this chart of the November MPC SONIA index future. According to friends in sterling overnight markets, the pricing here suggests a roughly 45 per cent chance of a UK base rate cut, come November.

(SONIA futures usually trade within a bp or two of base rate on expiry; UK rate cuts, meanwhile, usually come in 25bp blocks; and the November index future is currently priced at 0.375, against the current base rate of 0.50 per cent.)

FT Alphaville » Sonia says: ‘UK rates are (possibly) coming down’
Olive oil price dip adds to European woes

Olive oil price dip adds to European woes -

Spain, Italy and Greece, already fighting a financial and economic crisis, are now facing an oil crisis. Olive oil, that is.

The price of the Mediterranean diet staple has plunged to a 10-year low as domestic consumption in the top producing southern European countries has fallen because of the economic crisis.
Textbook stuff:


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