Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

i'm not the schizophrenic type....but why is it the last 4 weeks I've been burned on twice on 18 different trades but once I post on here.....several times actually.....I automatically get burned. Must be some sort of scraper software on these forums that are fed into text analytics servers on these exchanges
dumping all longs 2166 ..

flip short there too

ps this aint rocket science :|

was at one time i admit
I'm short ftse @ 4739 and I have s&p 2135 for Fridays close in the competition but I'm not crazy enough to put hard cash down shorting a rigged market.

you know friday's close but won't play it?

go away
what contract are you trading?

when you say "snp' i think of ES..

what are YOU trading???

maybe you brits have some derivative or smthg?

In the UK gambling isnt controlled by the mafia so we can bet on share prices.
All winnings from 'bets' are tax free. :clap:
The betting companies provide quotes for their 'equivalent' of the spx spy cash prices.
In the UK gambling isnt controlled by the mafia so we can bet on share prices.
All winnings from 'bets' are tax free. :clap:
The betting companies provide quotes for their 'equivalent' of the spx spy cash prices.

i/m moving, got room for ME. i don't need much, just another winner:clap:

ps do you have to be such an az

i dont care what you call it, i'll see you at 66 ES american

this is higher than your allowance allows i imagine 😀
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9 point range on s&p today and were right in the middle of it!
Come on guys 2180 you know you want to.