Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Anyone after 2135 in the SP500:whistling

See if the Asians can push it a little after the strong close.

Might be stuck in a range.
S&p dropped over 20 points yesterday and today it went up from the moment they opened to the moment they closed!
The thing is they get away with it day after day - to big to fail and to wealthy to prosecute. Gawd bless Amerika.
a drop HERE is way too obvious...they'll push this higher inch by inch

yesterday i mentioned getting 2162..i may it yet (too bad i'm short not long)
Did you listen to the lyrics - "the flag still stands for freedom and they cant take that away".
You try telling that to a poor black male in the good old US of A.
How many judges own shares of private prisons or get kick backs from the prison owners when they send people to jail. There are recorded cases of children being sent to prison for 'misdemeanors' and the judges receiving money for it.

Its all about MONEY, stuff other people and their children if you can get rich by it. :(
if these stocks dodge it today then someday within the next few weeks they'll get whipped so hard no amount of funny money can save it. I say this because....vix is way too low for this bull rally to be sustainable. It's not a question of if vix will go back to the normal levels of 16....just a matter of when....this is why the doomsday predictions aren't doomsday predictions.....the vix needs to consolidate and consolidation can be very messy or clean.
Morning all. FTSE cautious this morning - too many got egg on their face last time.
Couple of scenarios imho -
MLCA: fairly subdued then spike up if BOE rate cut. Long.
PCA: Grind up to 6650 zone, spike up if rate cut then drop to mean around 6630-40. long then fade short.
MDCA: grind up 6660 zone no rate cut then whammo 6600 zone. Long from lows mid morning, short from 1130hrs.
Atm currently flat to see which way traders want to position themselves.