I should warn you I have 2105 as the close on the S&P tomorrow so I may be biased. 😉
Only 50 more points to go. 😆
I should warn you I have 2105 as the close on the S&P tomorrow so I may be biased. 😉
Long DAX @ 9461
Half off +40, stop to lock in +20 on remaining half :cheesy:
Half off +40, stop to lock in +20 on remaining half :cheesy:
+30 on half.
Dino is teaching me new tricks.
Posted this on the other thread:
Any xetra Dax close above 9510 is a very very bullish signal for me.
I'm in control of my position for about 20 to 30 seconds, when it's flown after that I have no control whatsoever apart from take profit or take it up the aris.
Enter, decide if it is a turkey, or swan, either way control is very very limited.
Mechanical stops basically tells ol bookie where your money is.
Unless of course you stomp up for DMA, then the farms know where your money is.
That dax!
Up 110 in 40 minutes.
Hi Tokyo,
I take it you use "soft" stops? Or disaster stop and exit manually?
if so how have you managed with this method?
That dax!
Up 110 in 40 minutes.
Hi Swissy, I use a manual stop in my head of up to 10 ish points (if I'm caught out, sometimes a few more) so for the dax this is super tight if it's motoring.
I have days where I get picked to death, almost like they are in tune with my next move 😉 & Some days it just falls into place.
All the control is in the waiting, It took me a very long time to gain the discipline to simply wait for the right moment. Much harder than it seems because I can wait for half an hour some days & this is a large chunk of my window.
So once a position is taken I have a very short moment to make a decision....trap ? sudden ramming of my position, coz I'm a tool & didn't wait quite long enough etc, or if I've picked my moment right I'm hanging onto the coattails of the real price movement outside the control of the bookie.
I never ever trade slow pace.
There is no disaster stop, I'm way too skittish to allow it to get to that & my £pp is too low to worry about a real slammer.
I've done all the higher £pp, done all the sitting with turkeys till they come good, it doesn't suit my style. Small beer, nice flow is all there is for me.
Good days, bad days.