Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Trading in the 90's.


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Trading after 2010 ...


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just bright time to take out weak longs

how much more longside could you expect, your living on a thread & a prayer as it now 🙂
just bright time to take out weak longs

how much more longside could you expect, your living on a thread & a prayer as it now 🙂

After 8 years - I dont think 6 more months is too much to ask.

A wise man once said 'Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.'.
So - on a completely different subject :whistling

anyone seen any good films lately.


  • waltermitty.jpg
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you buying here? i ask because you never say

I trade all day long and short, I don't feel the need to live and breathe every tick and share it with people who I am sure don't give a damn.

Did you know you could always start a journal and it would be a good way to gauge interest in your willing and pleading and begging the market to your positions.

I am sure people have no interest in every tick on my trades and I have no wish to come and self congratulate myself, or disappear for days when I am right or wrong.
I press buttons and have a pretty good hit rate, I cut most losses short, seldom double down and try and sit on my hands when I am ahead and close in parts.
time to some profits,,theres a time buck the trend and a time to cash out 🙂

serious sell
oh, ya after that serious sell thurs, fri, we'll bang it up here 🙂

i'm thinking 600bnow