Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

let the traders have their illusions, don't mess with their minds here. they got enough to deal with.
are you staff?

my last sig was "if it ain't broke keep tweaking you will break it..

and one before that was "trade like you don't need the $"

each time was reset to a ver early "it's just trader talk"

whats going on is what i ak?

i don't know who has been changing it but why? it's MY sig ?

Change your password.
Wow looks like someone hacked my account and changed my signature! :whistling


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Bit of a nothing day so far.
China closed, UK closed, Dax just waiting till US opens.
Take the morning off peeps.
More free money.
If you still have your old intertrader account before it switched to intertrader direct there is a 12 point difference on the Dax !!!!!

Fill your boots.


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Wow that closed quick.
That will pay for lunch! 😀

Keep an eye on it.


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just checking on ig quote spreads are bad but apparently there is a holiday in the uk. Can't wait for the puerto rico news conference to break\
\ And there she went
I can hardly believe this! I just shorted the Dax, took my boiling mug of water out of the micro, came back and had made 24 points. This never happens to me in a couple of minutes.
I can hardly believe this! I just shorted the Dax, took my boiling mug of water out of the micro, came back and had made 24 points. This never happens to me in a couple of minutes.


Take the money and run. 🙂


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I've taken the money but am hanging around! The coffee is great in this place.🙂 The UK
should not have so many holidays. Footsie may have lost me.
Didnt take long for the dowboys to start buying again.

Yes. Didn't do so well on that--lost 6 points. I normally stick to FT and UST, when it opens. Dax, I have followed you guys chatting about it, but it has, always seemed a bit too quick for me. This morning's 25 points is a case in point.