FTSE +100 pre open with a weak Asian market is a recipe for disaster.
Failed to retake 5940.
FTSE +100 pre open with a weak Asian market is a recipe for disaster.
I am looking at tgt 6020 before unwinding back down again. May well retest 5900 - 5910 beforehand though. Lets see.
Retest is in - lets see.
L in @5895. Stop 5885.
L in @5895. Stop 5885.
I'm not normally one for meedya stories but I used to work at Reuters so I take an interest.
Ukraine's Poroshenko sees increased risk of open war with Russia
"Berlin is growing increasingly suspicious that Russia is trying to stir up trouble in Germany to try to weaken Merkel, who has taken a tough line on a crisis that was triggered when Russia annexed Crimea in March 2014."
Deutsche Bank must face U.S. lawsuit over $3.1 billion mortgage loss: judge
Not a good time for Germany.
Ukraine, just not happy to be out of the news, though in some ways it's good. In spite of all the help it has had recently it is still run on the same ways as Zimbabwe without the warm weather. It is so corrupt there.
An awful lot of Germany companies in Russia and they are all unhappy as they like to do business.
Short ftse 5900
Stop to b/e.
Did the school run and came back to find my trade scratched to the pip and then resumed its upwards ascent! lol
And out.
WTF is the FTSE doing recently.