Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

The medium-term outlook for the equity markets have become more encouraging in the short term but there is a possibility of a correction after the strong gains achieved in recent days.
well I don't know about anyone else but my demo account is shorted to the maximum 😀
Well girls the FTSE is on a level playing field at the moment so any drop over the net at 6386 should be met with a Harrison Hoist 🙂

The zonal defense is around the 6345 line so a big push here if you please.

Some strong players in the opposition but we have a good position in the league and keeping the ball over the net in the long run will be a winner🙂

If we are below the zonal defense at half time we may need to pace it out and consider some new tic tacs 🙂

The German net is around 10082
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The beginning of the European session shall be dominated by factors specific to certain firms. Glencore announced that it will divest two mines, one in Chile and another in Australia, a decision which falls within the target of a 10 000 M. USD debt reduction. In the sector of foodstuffs, the Belgian-Brazilian takeover of Anheuser-Busch InBev on English SAB Miller remains the main theme. Reuters reports that the brewer AB Inbev can raise its offer for SABMiller. RWE and E.On have been the worst performers in the DAX this year (-52% and -36%) due to the uncertainty regarding the closing costs of their nuclear plants.