Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

In recent sessions there has been an appreciation and overperformance on assets with higher risk. This pattern does not mean that the risks that hit the market during the months of August and September have disappeared. It was the perception of investors in relation to these issues that has changed. Perhaps now investors believe that the Chinese GDP growth will slow down (to about 6%) but not collapse. On the other hand, in relation to US interest rates, investors begin to discount that its growth will only occur in 2016, so it is no longer so much uncertainty. Therefore, in the short term, one should not exclude a retreat of the major global indices but this correction will only be a natural movement after the strong gains of the last few days and should not represent a new change in investor sentiment.
Personally hoping for a last minute surge through 6400, although GLEN has been looking heavier today.
I just bailed on my ftse position, good luck with the short... what's the stop?
Russians causing (more) trouble in Syria.
US about to sail warships past Chinese-made military islands.
North Korea government 70 year anniversary coming up, more sabre rattling expected.
VW facing lawsuits aplenty over emissions rigging.
Deutsche bank layering on loss after loss.
Oil price advancing without any real fundamental change in supply.
Commodities in the gutter.

Did I miss any more reasons to be bullish?

Ftse appears to me to be running out of steam... short @6387 :idea:
Tomorrows news.
North Korea wades in and nukes Syria.

Ftse opens up 150 points. :whistling
No ones selling anything this week.
Still, next week I bet they wont be able to sell it fast enough. 🙄