Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

If your going on holiday you can still access your computer using Team Viewer. I hooked up every day using a small 7 inch Kindle Fire tablet and was able to do everything including the odd trade. It was a bit of a fiddle so next time I will take a hdmi cable and run through the hotel flat screen TV, it's good for the odd couple of hours or if you fall out with the wife 🙂

Best of all it's free but don't over use it so it stays that way 🙂
Shemitah cycle

How do you see this video?

I just like the girls sing in the background, it puts me to sleep🙂

Such a busy thread these days, thought I would post my levels for next week.

dow 16296

sp 1929

dax still 9576

ftse 6075

These are bullish above levels, all fixed for now so looking for bullish setups.

Mr Bear resides below the levels but with Quarterly/Monthly end + NFP this week I think he'll have to show his cards.

Most US markets are showing huge volume this month so something is brewing, hic🙂
Today could be interesting for the Dax. (Not that shes dull.)


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Taking the week off trading, going to make a start learning German instead.
Maybe that'll help my dax skills! 🙂
In the pre-opening, European shares traded with some losses. The reverse of the trend of Wall Street on Friday should dictate investor sentiment at this early stage. The technology sector and pharmacist should be more sensitive because of the US biotech sector weakness. In Madrid, investors will react to election results in Catalonia. This region accounts for about 20% of the Spanish GDP. With 7.5 million inhabitants (of 46.7 million), GDP per capita is the fourth of the country (after Madrid, the Basque Country and Navarra), the unemployment rate of 19.10% against the national average of 22.37%. Catalonia is Spain’s most indebted region of the country (66 180 M. €).


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Thanks Big D.

So according to that video, the large commercials are bullish on the S&P, yet the large speculators are pretty much the complete opposite? From what I can see, they are each about right 50% of the time lol so you're no better off from looking at it?!

...unless I'm reading it totally wrong?
Your better to read through the how to read section, to be honest I only view for their opinion on the indices.
Investors continue to focus on the ramifications of the Volkswagen situation (in the US has been dubbed DieselGate), in the automotive sector and in the German economy. In the near future, the new CEO Matthias Muller, will have to address several points. The first is how to deal with the 11 million vehicles (which may possibly be more) that were sold and did not meet the standards of CO2 emissions. The second is related to various lawsuits which begin to be brought against the company. The third relates to the reaction of many governments, the first was the Swiss that banned the sale of the related models. The fourth is the threat of some rating agencies cut the credit rating of VW debt, which would increase the company’s borrowing costs and reflect the leasing costs and financing of car buyers of the brand. But probably what most alarmed investors is the impact that will have on the German economy. According to the Ministry of Economy of this country, the automobile sector is, directly and indirectly, approximately 10% of GDP. In addition, some investors fear that this case compromise the good name and reputation that German industry has in the world.