Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??


I still think we could get a new low on the US markets, maybe we'll get the Big Dipper soon, the Vix looks fit for more upside atm

Someone tweeted yesterday "have they tried turning it off & turning it on again?" 😆


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The next 96 hours will be a “time trial”. According to a poll conducted by Reuters, 55% of economists believe that Greece will leave the Eurozone, 60% of respondents believe that Greece can not repay the ECB on the 20th (when matures the loan of 3500 M.€). Most believe that in the case of Greece leave the Eurozone, the ECB will intensify the purchase of European sovereign debt.
PPT may have pulled the plug for now, the bulls leaving it a bit late on the Dow imo, still looking for the new low, I think they might spike it down but they will know it might just keep going down below 17550, maybe some news will kick in🙂

Dow could turn into a monster, it's got two heads and three shoulders 😆
DL wheres your faith in the PPT gone. :-0

They ramped it up nearly 200 points overnight. 😉 100 points of that was done in 5 minutes the instant the markets opened again (11 pm our time).

Once you realise the markets are being manipulated it makes your trading easier. 🙂
Yes turnaround tommy overnight 🙁

I thought they would load up on a new low but hey ho

Dax 11241 still screws the bears
Shanghai composite up 10% in 2 days, mainly because investment companies have been forbidden to SELL shares and around 1000 shares have been suspended from trading. :whistling
Welcome to capitalism (dictatorship style).
Yes turnaround tommy overnight 🙁

I thought they would load up on a new low but hey ho

Dax 11241 still screws the bears

Daxy is a 'gap and go' today, I wouldnt short it.
I'm not sure about the Dow but I think that might be the same.