Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

"Get ready for a 4,000-point Dow drop"
On the day that article was written the dow went UP 236 points.

Given the Americans spy on their own citizens and bomb / invade other countries on a whim, never underestimate what they will do to keep their economy 'looking' likes its on track.

Good morning! 🙂
In a bull market shares climb a wall of worry and fall quickly.

So when shares fall slowly and shoot back up what does that make it?
In a bull market shares climb a wall of worry and fall quickly.

So when shares fall slowly and shoot back up what does that make it?

highway robbery

or land of opportunity if you are the highwayman

"stand & deliver" 😏
Theres a lot of talk about crashes in the news.

This is what a yield curve looks like just before a major correction in the markets.


  • June2007Yield.png
    26.1 KB · Views: 116
Here is the current yield curve.

As I've said before markets keep going up well after the first rate rise.


  • June2015yield.png
    27.7 KB · Views: 117
The S & P yesterday lowered the rating of Greece from CCC + to CCC with a negative outlook, reflecting the impasse in negotiations. This agency also said that without a reform of the state and sustained economic growth, Greece’s debt is unsustainable.