Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

might just call it a day, i normally dont hang about friday PM but I was expecting some upward movement in the DOW
might just call it a day, i normally dont hang about friday PM but I was expecting some upward movement in the DOW
dont think players will want to keep long positions into that Greek election
qe or no qe
just an opinion
but will take those p/f signals
lots of triangles and flags which break up but they just dont take off
but we are testing that res area /aqua


5 min data
17800 area
I told you nicely: I take bribes.

For a handsome compensation, I will walk away from PC. Then you'll see what is volatility! :LOL:
Stock markets traded up. Investors continue to try to assess the impact of the ECB’s decision announced yesterday. In which extent the equity markets had not incorporated this decision, what are the sectors that most benefit from the acquisition of bonds and their effects in different economies, etc. The Central Bank announced that it will acquire 60 000 M. € monthly of debt instruments (mainly government bonds). The ECB will purchase a total of 1,080,000 € M. of debt instruments, over 18 months, starting in March. This is slightly higher than what was known early yesterday by some rumors. The ECB’s decision reinforced the downward movement of the Euro. This trend has justified the over-performance of stocks from export companies. Another factor that attracted the attention of investors was the publication of the final reading of the PMI activity index (Purchasing Managers Index) for the euro zone which averaged above estimates. A slight improvement over December but not strong enough to dispel fears about the European economy.
anyone ever notice that IG MT4 data and IG ProRealtime data doesnt match? high/lows of the same tf candles are different..
Dax didnt seem to think so.

Cant give away Dow / s&p at the moment. :-0

were back to fridays close being counter to rest of week direction, this is 3rd time in row, strong friday close not working, FTSE has held up well.

also we had +274 on dow yesterday , so we just retraced half of it

I had gteed trade on dow using IG one touch and options, gteed not to make a loss, but huge upside

cya Monday everyone.
Overall good week, i am bullish on DAX as long as they are printing money. This is confirmed by breakout of 10,000 and strong weekly close, hopefully we will see strong monthly close as well.
S500 possibly faking
see that latest column of "X" back at the breakout point/red horizontal
certainly in that bull test area as we said yesterday
60 min data
lets see what happens in Greece
