Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

not sure
could go either way
i am trading from a tick chart cos of the volatility

what setting do you use for your tick charts?

Im interested to know you chart setup with the boxes, what platform can I get that on. Sorry im sure ive asked before by my mind has gone blank! Old age!
that was quite some momentum on the dax and it broke the previous high on 5 min so just looking at the price action i feel there is more upside to come
then i export to bullseye
although..if you get Rainwood"s tick is actually multi can actually simulate a p/f setup
better Duplessis
p/f is the nearest you will get to supply and demand
it thrives on volatility
17790 was horizontal res
took the short from there
we had a nice tight range there..before it popped
rainwood tick chart is a bit of a resource hogger...but
dax/dow you want something like 8/10 tick candles for scalping..that is equivalent to 20 seconds ish
we are not interested in is all about market disequilibrium
5 min dow
could go either way
