Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Ooooooh, Dick! I see what you mean. There are all sorts of new buttons to press. I don't know why I did not get this, this morning, but, now, I am somewhere else and with a laptop. Perhaps, it is because I keep my home computer on hibernate overnight so as to get a quicker startup in the mornings, with no logging in needed.

I'm not a user of indicators but I'll have a look at them to see if they are pretty.

27 point range for 8 hours.

Nicest opp was the expiry fade.

Also this top level has been strong since 3rd Feb, has everyone been making the most of it?

Will need some good news on Sunday if were going to see 6000.

Have a good weekend !!
The 14 period average daily range for the FTSE futures has fallen from 200 pts in August to a low of 65pts today. This grind higher has turned trading into a bit of a snooze fest. I am using smaller price targets and letting trades run much longer than I usually do.
Ooooooh, Dick! I see what you mean. There are all sorts of new buttons to press. I don't know why I did not get this, this morning, but, now, I am somewhere else and with a laptop. Perhaps, it is because I keep my home computer on hibernate overnight so as to get a quicker startup in the mornings, with no logging in needed.

I'm not a user of indicators but I'll have a look at them to see if they are pretty.

😆 well i think they are very pretty split, i think you'll be very happy with them and if you get bored you can even update your facebook with pretty pictures of them, just what you always wanted on a trading platform🙂 oh and don't forget the twitter button you might get to talk to a twit from finspreads.
😆 well i think they are very pretty split, i think you'll be very happy with them and if you get bored you can even update your facebook with pretty pictures of them, just what you always wanted on a trading platform🙂 oh and don't forget the twitter button you might get to talk to a twit from finspreads.

I'm very suspicious of all new fangled contraptions. Don't have any of them. I might get around to a mobilephone one day but I have not needed one to date.
Just some observations. We closed at highs on friday night at 9pm. Then we gapped and spiked up 40 pts at 1am when the FTSE reopened. It is now trying to close that gap.

We have more greek eurobabble later today, and my gut feeling is that the volume will be subdued. Then we should finally get that big burst of excitement as the latest Greek deal gets announced and then it should hit 6000. FTSE cash is 23 pts higher than Futures, so 6000 in cash equals 5977 in futures. Over the next week or two, we might get a decent pullback of about 200 pts. Then one more failed up move with a lower high, then a move determine the lower support level for the new range for the next 2 to 3 months.
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Oh yes, and I forgot. It's Presidents Day in the US, and the cash markets should be closed. The ES will be open, but trading on about a quarter of its normal volume. Last year it was rangebound in a tight range between 10:30am and 2:30pm. Then it fell off a cliff.
Oh yes, and I forgot. It's Presidents Day in the US, and the cash markets should be closed. The ES will be open, but trading on about a quarter of its normal volume. Last year it was rangebound in a tight range between 10:30am and 2:30pm. Then it fell off a cliff.

Do you remember what is was that caused the sell off?
I have nothing in my journal as I was on holiday.

Today has been hard work. The gap was pretty much closed.

I have gone long a few times but I would like something with some legs on it. 🙂
aye, i was caught out by the 8:30 reversal try, had another go for the 9:00 (although a bit late in since it started early) which was better, but then not paying attention when the 10:00 try started a tad early so finished up with not much. Haven't got the dow hedge option today since dow closed and I'm assuming SB version will just show ftse etc.
I've managed 12 points. No real reason for closing except to put it in my pocket. "It's going to fluctuate".

Who said that?
Do you remember what is was that caused the sell off?
I have nothing in my journal as I was on holiday.

Today has been hard work. The gap was pretty much closed.

I have gone long a few times but I would like something with some legs on it. 🙂

Last year they had the German Ifo Bus Climate number at 9am which was a good number, which gave the market a spike then it flattened out until 2:35pm, and then sold off when the US cash market would normally be open. I think it had something to do with a downgrade of Japan by Moodys. My notes don't say when the news was released, but that night asian markets dropped over 2%.

As for today, I've traded okay, except for when I got carried away and let the noise on the 1 min chart shake me out of a short and actually reverse long at the high. On days like today, you really need to trade the 5 min chart and not the 1 min chart. I am currently out of the market and closed my last short at 5923.5 at 12:17:27. But everything is a long hold today.

Should not be much going on this afternoon with the eurobabble meeting starting at 2:30pm and the press conference at 9pm. So a spike tonight and 6000 finally hit. Then can we have a big pullback please. I note the YM has already hit 13000 several times and holding near.
Hi Martin,

I took your advice and locked in at BE when I had 7 points so thanks for that.

Split, I didn't think I was giving any advice other than my usual waffle, but I am glad it helped.

I am sitting here listening to DTI Trader's free listen in day. It's always good to see how other traders trade, and what styles they use to trade. They are not scalper like me, but they use support and resistance levels for intraday trades and swing trade.

I am range trading right now and have a small long at 5924.5 but it really is playing for small targets of 4 to 5 pts and holding for as long as 30 minutes to get it. It does look like it is ripe for a spike down, and triggering some stops, but I am just trading it as a range until stopped out.
So I got stopped out at 20.5 and took a couple of small shorts and made the stop back. But trying to force something in today's market could be dangerous. I think it will sell off back down to 5907, but I could get hurt trying to prove it.
Split, I didn't think I was giving any advice other than my usual waffle, but I am glad it helped.

I am sitting here listening to DTI Trader's free listen in day. It's always good to see how other traders trade, and what styles they use to trade. They are not scalper like me, but they use support and resistance levels for intraday trades and swing trade.

I am range trading right now and have a small long at 5924.5 but it really is playing for small targets of 4 to 5 pts and holding for as long as 30 minutes to get it. It does look like it is ripe for a spike down, and triggering some stops, but I am just trading it as a range until stopped out.

Ok, so you weren't giving advice but I took it, anyway. 🙂 I transfer from one computer to another between 1330 and 1415, with a train journey involved and I'm getting fed up with spikes and stuff that happen during that time. Unless I see a good profit under me I close for that period. I haven't looked, yet, so don't know what I'll find.
Not sure why the FTSE pulled up short of 5931 and reversed where it did. I guess we are coming into the 4:30pm cash close and it usually does a few daft things. We did get a small sell off but it didn't quite make it to the low of the day. The opening gap never closed properly. There is too much going on regarding Greece and a US holiday to expect normal price action.
anyone see 6000 on the ftse today?
7000 for the dax too?

Im long and strong on both hoping that the big round numbers will have a tractor beam effect

(cash Prices)
anyone see 6000 on the ftse today?
7000 for the dax too?

Im long and strong on both hoping that the big round numbers will have a tractor beam effect

(cash Prices)

The Greek deal looks to be priced in. To hit 6000 we need a day range of 80 points, which would be a big ask. No economic data today that could help it that much.

IMO it would be a tall ask for 6000 today.