Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

We waiting for the SP500 number for the end of the week.:LOL:
Then we will come back to collect.

I'll PM you my "alipay" account details for an early view. :LOL:

I see Malaguti is getting worried, he's changed his guess.
morning everyone.

sept has fallen a far way below 1995 pivot, its been down to 1977

internals are smashed.

BP below 9mth support 465

Just checked out Oscar for the first time in weeks.

He's full of Bull again. :whistling
Seeing upside for the S&P this week, gawd bless 'im.
Wow thats one big squeeze job on the Dax.
If you ever thought your SB made up prices overnight to take out your stops, then today is clear proof.
They were quoting over 22 points below the open and it never looked back.
Just checked out Oscar for the first time in weeks.

He's full of Bull again. :whistling
Seeing upside for the S&P this week, gawd bless 'im.

few peopel I follow also bullish, but i remain bearish got sept 1993 as neutral level, we way below
Wow thats one big squeeze job on the Dax.
If you ever thought your SB made up prices overnight to take out your stops, then today is clear proof.
They were quoting over 22 points below the open and it never looked back.

You're so, is that avatar the new look.......:eek:
S&P is like a mother sitting back patiently watching the Dow run around like a little child before she drags him off in the other direction.
S&P flirting with the Low of the Day, Dow +50 points.
I feel a pair trade coming on.
Investors await the disclosure of relevant macroeconomic data on Wednesday (17th September). The perspective of interest rates, to be announced by 19:00h will be crucial to further developments.

The markets are still suffering the effects from the decline in industrial production, and are aligned with the information disclosed through the financial media from last week.

It is speculated that the economy has made the necessary recovery to justify the increase in interest rates.

I am not convinced that the stock market has ended it’s correction, believing that it will keep falling until the the disclosure of relevant key data that may justify the rise to new highs.
morning everyone

old video. biderman discusses facebook ipo causing a bottom in the markets, might be same with alibaba
