Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

dow goes for test of 17,000 (17,006 last) second time today

Its all out of hours nonsense, it has nothing to do with the real market, just SB's trying to shake out longs before Dow rips higher on the open.

I've closed my dax @ 86.
Going for a break.
Maybe cheaper bonds now weighing on the market.

Plus real risk on/off pairs have turned against the JPY.


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Dow still going down. Couldn't buy it fast enough yesterday cant mark it down low enough today.
Those market makers must be losing a fortune. :whistling

16,920 low on the open before ripping to close up ohhh lets say +0.01
Unemployment claims my guess 280 and thats the 'reason' for the market to tank pre open. (Thats what Bloomberg will tell you anyway.) We all know its a stop run, keep your powder dry.
S&P down 8 pre open, only another 2 more to go.
Never seen this set up before. :whistling
S&P down 8 pre open, only another 2 more to go.
Never seen this set up before. :whistling

postman the 10 handles on sp500 sept looks like an obvious target

1983.5 and would give us dow around 950
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Daxy was still fighting up to 12:40 then finally gave it up. :rolleyes:
My target from yesterday was 600-620 lets see if it gets hit now I'm flat. :(
Currently 9633...
Daxy was still fighting up to 12:40 then finally gave it up. :rolleyes:
My target from yesterday was 600-620 lets see if it gets hit now I'm flat. :(
Currently 9633...

dax low 27 still untouched

someone "bust a cap" in the ftse100 down 55 as we speak
The way we trade have emotional implications, such as how our emotions impact our decisions.

To succeed in the financial markets there are rules that must not be disregarded. Emotional problems such as depression, anxiety and relationship conflicts, substantially interfere with our concentration and ability to deal the normal ups and downs of markets.

Additive patterns can be extremely harmful to the trader. Many trade of need and impulse, without being identified a real opportunity.

In case you are dealing more with your own problems than the markets, the best deal you can do is invest in your emotional well being, getting the right help.
4 am in the morning in New York and the Dow is falling. Again. :rolleyes:
How long will Dax ignore it today?
Thats your 50 point move on the dax.
Is she going for the 100 today? Draghi didnt help last night and the rest of Europe is in a sh1t state. Now the Germans cant get a decent inflation going to wipe out all the debt!