Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

i cam out of my long from the bottom, recovered my profit lost in that early long that was stopped.

i have learned my lesson from holding big positions for too long only to be stopped out for b/e. My policy now is to take a good profit. That long was 20 points, which is less than those lost on the short by double the position.
If that down move made your own pair retract so far inside you that they are irretrievable, you can get these on ebay.
You'll need them for next time. :LOL:


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Can you believe when the markets were closed the S&P was slammed down 15 and now over 10 of those have been bought back. :whistling
its looking like a stop killer run to the previous high and then back down, i will short around 136 on dow
its looking like a stop killer run to the previous high and then back down, i will short around 136 on dow
closed longs on dax and dow
138 dow's yesterday close, lets see what it will become from there onwards