Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

new trend started on Tuesday
I think its going to be a dull day on the dax and the low and high are in already.
Drift around and close at 9830.
Thats just my opinion and thats what these forums are for, sharing opinions! :)

Anyone else have an opinion on today, I'd like to hear it. (y)

Tend to agree with you Postman,

we are due a consolidation day, sometimes though flat days in a defined range give great scalping opportunities if you are prepared to take 4-10 points at a time.

Good luck im off to get my car washed some local Bears have set up a cheapo Hand wash on sainsburys car park!!:cheesy:
Next year looks interesting.
Dow above 20000 and sliding down?
These concerns when skilfully waved by the news gurus and TA "analysts" have the ability to shake the markets for a while in the meantime.
It is funny how the highly skilled analysts do not trade markets using their own analysis but they are quite ready to sell it to others:LOL::LOL::LOL: who are stupid enough to pay for it.:LOL:
dax closing on the round number, or today's Low
Tend to agree with you Postman,
we are due a consolidation day, sometimes though flat days in a defined range give great scalping opportunities if you are prepared to take 4-10 points at a time.
Good luck im off to get my car washed some local Bears have set up a cheapo Hand wash on sainsburys car park!!:cheesy:

We have one round our way. :LOL:

Dont let them valet the interior though. :eek:


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S&P's already down 6.5 handles from close, not sure it will go much lower. That tends to pull daxy around in the mornings.

OK so S&p is down 7 no wait 7.5 err 8 well just over 8 now....
Maybe it does have some downside left. :whistling
If daxy drops to around 9810 from here, that would confirm it for me. I'd go long and take the morning off.

Thats twice its bounced off 9818 I hate shorting the dax (I still do it but I hate it).
I'm going out now and let it settle down on its own. Good luck guys it looks pretty thin out there.
23 Handles away from my S&P close target of 1992 in this weeks T2W competition.
Get in there.