Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

As I see it, Footsie could fall 40 and the Dow double and they would, still, be in an uptrend.

How lucky I was to make that 10 points rhis morning. If I had mentioned, on here, that I was going to do it, someone would have convinced me that I was daft and I wouldn't have.:)
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The Russians shoot down a Ukrainian plane and the Dow and Dax go UP.
So thats good news then? :eek:
Draghi can say what he likes to his committee, but if the S&P falls 100 points the Dax is going with it.
Not much conviction in that move by the Dow, more a sort of "Oh this is where were supposed to be today, we'd better stop now" kind of thing.
Doesn't bode well for Daxy tomorrow even though shes a good 300 points behind.
The latest measures taken by the Administration of Banco Espirito Santo and the potential measures to stimulate the Euro economy, led the major stock indexes to rise while gold falls today with one of the largest declines in 2014.
The latest measures taken by the Administration of Banco Espirito Santo and the potential measures to stimulate the Euro economy, led the major stock indexes to rise while gold falls today with one of the largest declines in 2014.

I think I may emigrate to Portugal...

"...Earlier on Sunday, Portugal’s prime minister said taxpayers would not be called on to bail out failing banks, making clear there would be no state support for BES.
Pedro Passos Coelho said “private businesses have to suffer the consequences of the bad deals they make. Taxpayers will not be asked to bear the losses of private companies.”
Banks, he said, had to pay the price for failing to evaluate business projects adequately, adding that “this price should not be paid by society as a whole and much less by taxpayers”."
The latest measures taken by the Administration of Banco Espirito Santo and the potential measures to stimulate the Euro economy, led the major stock indexes to rise while gold falls today with one of the largest declines in 2014.

you didn't place a trade today?
UK retail sales are in the sh1tter, still its not like a consumer society needs people to buy things for the markets to go up. :whistling
So dax down, Ftse hasn't moved. What's going on?
BUY order on DAX at the round 700, SL 60 pips to begin with, PT 10200
This is the position trade to be held for several days,
Once filled in will add to that position while in profit
That was a 50% retrace of yesterdays move up.
Lets see where we go from here. I'm long.
Good to see were all buyers, I mean its not like Euroland is facing another banking crisis :eek:
