Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Everyone, everywhere thinks these markets are only going up. Does this not worry anyone? Complacency killed the cat!

When we were approaching 1000ES, everyone on elitetrader was saying that it had ran too far and the top was near. They'd short everyday on the livecall thread and get their ass handed too them. Most of died from a thousand cuts or from blowing out on one position. A few are still around and stil doing it! (Ammo to name one)

We're now approaching 2000ES.

I honestly wouldn't be that surprised if we were at 3000ES in the not too distant future! It's not a real 'market'!

ps long again 996012 tick stop
im all seriousness. who believes that this is going to go up more when the NFP is announced?


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im all seriousness. who believes that this is going to go up more when the NFP is announced?

I am not sure how anyone could possibly know the answer to this question as it totally depends on the number released. This is a roaring bull market though so my bias would be long if the number comes in on the screws or better than expected. In a bull market no news is good news. GL
A drop at this stage would be too obvious, and i am sure IG doesn't want the 86% of dow shorters to make any money without wiping out their stops first. I'm guessing a rise to 17250ish on dow before a drop
I don't wish to sound rude, but your trade yesterday lost about -30pts, today you're currently down about -65 pts... and you're trading ECB/NFP day with no stops.

Do you not think at some point you might be wrong?

Hopefully you aren't trading real money.

PS Down another -25 pts in the time it took me to post this... :cry:

I wasn't trying to ascertain who was right or wrong. Simply trying to open up a bit of realism for people who may have their heads in the clouds. Truth is yes I have been wrong thus far, however, I am still sticking with my overall strategy. The markets are overbought and if the DOW goes above 17000 and stays there without a correction, then I shall buy you all a drink. It won't though, and I'm very confident of that.