Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Heres an update on the chart I posted earlier.
Someone will be taken outside and shot for the 2 infractions circled in red.
Compliance is mandatory for all banks under the control of the FED.


  • shot.png
    56.3 KB · Views: 106
went out for a walk and came back to the same picture on the screen. I thought it might be my monitor but making ba$t@rd$
how are you supposed to know when the market is going to be like this?> any tell tale signs?>
Not one single point of downside from the close yesterday to the open today.
Wonder if it will do that again tonight. :rolleyes:
Morning all,
The IP address of the first person to go short DAX or Dow will be noted and will get a visit from my little friend.
Peace and :love:


  • FieryDemon.gif
    159.3 KB · Views: 167
Dont get me wrong, there is risk in going long this market.
The risk is you could get run over by a bus when going to the bank to collect your money. :LOL:
Say short again, I dare you, I double dare you!


  • samuel.jpg
    13.6 KB · Views: 75
On a more sensible note if Dax doesnt break 9927 there is a nasty head and shoulders in play.