Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

US high impact news results were good today then why did dow falls that much ?
Originally Posted by postman View Post
Dow showing an open of down 170.
This is going to be 'fun'.

A post from one year ago today.

It was a Monday!
Ahhh those were the days.

One year later - to the day, Dow falls 170 points.
Who'd have thought it. :eek:
I guess it depends on a trading style, time frame etc. If I was to buy dips, I would've waited for that short time downtrend to end before buying (I attached a chart with a possible long entry). That way there is a clearly defined risk (stop below the last higher low)

BTW that downtrend was lovely for shorts - lower highs and lows (well behaved)


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I guess it depends on a trading style, time frame etc. If I was to buy dips, I would've waited for that short time downtrend to end before buying (I attached a chart with a possible long entry). That way there is a clearly defined risk (stop below the last higher low)

BTW that downtrend was lovely for shorts - lower highs and lows (well behaved)

Risk is always there. It looks very easy when you see past data. :rolleyes:
I couldn't resist another opportunity to make some coin in CL futures. bagged +27 ticks in the oil futures to finish on +32 ticks for the day. There is definitely low hanging fruit trading oil futures 'out of hours' but you have to be careful as if someone hits it with size you can get slammed. There are plays to be had around the 00s and 25s and you can lean on large prints easily, previous support and resistance is respected really well 'out of hours'.

Good luck all for tomorrow.


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that was an interesting 8am open for the dax

Fell on good news!

Then as HTW said ran like a scalded cat.

FTSE, poor dear suffering from age related amnesia, went down to 6755 forgot why she went there and is now coming back to 6787.
Dow futures, and ftse all up from 7am.
Dax below 7am level, I think theyre going to have fun with the punters on the open before going back up.