Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

ig are offering 7:1 that the dax will close up today.
Thats 18 points down move for 87 point profit.
They aint that dumb, Daxy's going up into the close so I guess Dow is going for 17,000 today.
what a crock of turd today has been so far. US indices on fire but Euro indices so lethargic. 1st trade of the day I lost -5 ticks on the Bund, I then fat fingered 2 order entries moving stops and targets on the bund and lost -1 tick twice, so I am 7 ticks in the hole rofl.

I bet others are finding it tough today unless they are long US indices. Where is DJ? bet he has cleaned up as usual.

I am definitely not going to chase trades now as I know that's when a small losing day can become a whole lot worse. Might take something else on oil later on but we will see.

Still plenty green for the week so that's what matters.

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Dow and S&p traders in action (or should I say inaction).


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It had to be a big up day for Dax and Dow as Oscar had them both pegged for downside. :whistling
Today FTSE a good trading opportunity and I’ve made my Short entry:
Financial Instrument: UK100

STOP 6780.0 Stop/Entry distance 12.0
SHORT 6768.0
TP1 6741.0 TP1/Entry distance 27.0 TP1 RR 2.3
TP2 6716.0 TP2/Entry distance 52.0 TP2 RR 4.3

RR -> Reward / Risk
Since TP1 was reached I've moved TP2 Stop to Break Evan

hahahah. absolute ledge as always.:) something tells me you have worked out why price moves ;)

I managed to find a decent trade in oil, not happy with my performance today though, the last trade on oil I hesitated to take profit where I knew it would react on the basis that it should only be a gentle reaction and I could get more. That hesitation cost me 5 ticks as I only banked +12. hesitation costs money.

Scores for today

-5 bund ticks
-1 bund ticks - fat finger
-1 bund ticks - fat finger (as if once was'nt enough rofl)
+12 oil future ticks

so net +5 ticks (but the bund ticks are slightly larger than oil)


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Today FTSE a good trading opportunity and I’ve made my Short entry:
Financial Instrument: UK100

STOP 6780.0 Stop/Entry distance 12.0
SHORT 6768.0
TP1 6741.0 TP1/Entry distance 27.0 TP1 RR 2.3
TP2 6716.0 TP2/Entry distance 52.0 TP2 RR 4.3

RR -> Reward / Risk
Since TP1 was reached I've moved TP2 Stop to Break Evan

Hi PSA, nice work..what about posting some sort of comment as to why you entered and how you chose entry/exit? As postman knows, I am a fan of charts if you have one lying around..
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