Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Ah well that's it for the day for me and a goodie too. As we say in German
"Warten, Herman habe ich ein Problem mit den Heringen"
im out for now, I've made 3 times my daily target but it's actually been quite poor trading. I could have let the early morning Dax short run (although i set stops and limits according to my strategy and got filled on the limit) and could have been 10 times my target. Also, got stopped on a later short (just!)

6 trades = net 34 points
cant get going today and missed a couple of sitters. so far:

+4 bund future
-9.5 swissy pips
+3 bund future

so net -2.5 ticks/pips which equates to break even as the bund futures are 10 euros a tick and the swissy 10 dollars a pip.

frustrating day....
I dont think the markets can get going today either.
Soooooo slooooow.
Take anything you can get in an ever narrowing range.

yeah i hope this isnt the start of a low volatility summer but I expect it is. July and August are notoriously low vol. If this persists I am going to increase my size and decrease my stops and targets.:p
managed to get another couple of trades in around the nymex pit close.

finished on:

+4 bund future ticks
-9.6 pips swissy
+18 ticks oil future ticks
+4 ticks oil future ticks
MDUBKH closed long term swing spread position

I have been trading oil more and more as volatility on other instruments has been lacking. oil moves but you have to be careful you can do your **** so easily if you dont cut losers.

There was a thread on Elite Trade and where someone was asking what the last thing you did was before you became profitable. It will be different for everyone but there are 2 'last' key things I did that made me profitable.

1. I stopped buying tops and selling bottoms - it's just my style but when I stopped doing this my results improved. I doubt it will work for everyone.

2. The day it finally sank in that you trade to make money. Durrr, yes I knew this from day 1 but it didn't fully sink in until later. Sounds stupid but I had to change my attitude to trading be a hobby, pastime, fun, passing the time, saying 'oh well' it doesn't really matter.

good luck everyone and hope this helps.


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managed to get another couple of trades in around the nymex pit close.

finished on:

+4 bund future ticks
-9.6 pips swissy
+18 ticks oil future ticks
+4 ticks oil future ticks
MDUBKH closed long term swing spread position

I have been trading oil more and more as volatility on other instruments has been lacking. oil moves but you have to be careful you can do your **** so easily if you dont cut losers.

There was a thread on Elite Trade and where someone was asking what the last thing you did was before you became profitable. It will be different for everyone but there are 2 'last' key things I did that made me profitable.

1. I stopped buying tops and selling bottoms - it's just my style but when I stopped doing this my results improved. I doubt it will work for everyone.

2. The day it finally sank in that you trade to make money. Durrr, yes I knew this from day 1 but it didn't fully sink in until later. Sounds stupid but I had to change my attitude to trading be a hobby, pastime, fun, passing the time, saying 'oh well' it doesn't really matter.

good luck everyone and hope this helps.

Did you mean buying bottoms and selling tops :?:
2. The day it finally sank in that you trade to make money. Durrr, yes I knew this from day 1 but it didn't fully sink in until later. Sounds stupid but I had to change my attitude to trading be a hobby, pastime, fun, passing the time, saying 'oh well' it doesn't really matter.

Hi SpreadDr, I can relate to this..somedays in the morning I would make money, only to whittle it away slowly slowly in the afternoon thinking "well, it wasn't mine to begin with.." and then all of sudden I am at break even or down on the day..:mad:..something I am working on is ingraining the notion that this is my ****ing money..i've earned it..:devilish::sneaky:
Did you mean buying bottoms and selling tops :?:

No! I said it right in my post lol. I dont ever buy if price makes a new high or sell if prices makes a new low. I would only go with a breakout unless there has been a pullback AND other reasons to click the mouse. I am not saying breakout trading doesn't work I am saying I couldnt make it work for me. Good luck.
Hi SpreadDr, I can relate to this..somedays in the morning I would make money, only to whittle it away slowly slowly in the afternoon thinking "well, it wasn't mine to begin with.." and then all of sudden I am at break even or down on the day..:mad:..something I am working on is ingraining the notion that this is my ****ing money..i've earned it..:devilish::sneaky:

I guess it will mean something different to everyone however there is a bias in most people to find it hard to hold onto money whether its from trading or any other form of income. This bias has to be conquered imo.
Today Dax Index presented a breakout trading opportunity and I’ve made my Short entry:

STOP 10007.0 Stop/Entry distance 23.5
SHORT 9983.5
TP1 9900.5 TP1/Entry distance 83.0 TP1 RR 3.5
TP2 9850.0 TP2/Entry distance 133.5 TP2 RR 5.7
RR -> Reward / Risk
Since TP1 was reached I’ve moved TP2 Stop to Break Evan
So if Dow had a down day yesterday there should be 6 up days to follow.
Taken an early long.
Dax is being forced up this morning.
Every bit of selling (and theres quite a lot) is being followed with buying to force a constant higher price.
Expect a nice Germanic linear progression upwards until 'the right price' is reached.
I'm long.
Dax is being forced up this morning.
Every bit of selling (and theres quite a lot) is being followed with buying to force a constant higher price.
Expect a nice Germanic linear progression upwards until 'the right price' is reached.
I'm long.

Donner und Blitzen closed for -5
I know theres German Ifo data at 9am, but who cares? The market is underwritten on interest rates and QE may follow, plus 70% of punters are still short. What's not to love?