Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Dow is printing shorting scenario for tomorrow,dax is likely to oblige, though momentum has not turned yet to shorting on either. Is it going to be a very short day tomorrow:p:innocent:
DOW 5min Chart

The match is going to be as dull as ditchwater, nonetheless I'm going to watch it.
Have to make the journey back from the office first, 12 steps. :LOL:
Just noticed I'd not posted any evidence of my Nasdaq trades in my last post.
Anyway here's the pic... +25.6 pts (i.e. +102 ticks)

(Should mention that yesterday I split Nasdaq trades into a sub-account to analyse performance separately from Dax - hence the separate graph). Trades were mainly short Nasdaq - always helpful when it's going down lol.

Great stuff! (y)

I'm no good at scalping, I discovered that in a few short, hard, sessions several moons ago.
Thx. As I've mentioned before though, for anyone reading this & in the interests of transparency, my total in "points" is misleading as I often scale-in and out of trades. This makes it seem like I'm making more points than others who don't do this. Saying that, I don't really measure points/ticks/pips - I focus on the P&L in $ terms, the % return, draw-down and other risk metrics.

Maximising risk-adjusted returns is where its at imo.

Its a bit personal but do you trade for a living ?
Watching England(n) is like shorting the DAX.
Next time England(n) make the world cup send Scotland or Wales.
Gold bounced higher after the World Bank cut its global growth forecasts. Today gold has risen sharply to $1321.38 per ounce.

The price is heading the neckline of a potential Triple Bottom pattern.

We shall reach Target 1 @ 1372,50 (Scenario 1) and if the neckline is crossed then we may reach 1433 resistance level, and on a longer term Target 2 @ 1528.46 (Scenario 2).
Options expiry moves pushed the ASX up yesterday.
But the gains have been given back today.

China down 5% for the week.
2,000 been key holding level for a few years now.