Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Hello, just lurking while having a light lunch, be back in the next week or so, busy lad.........nice to see Postie and DJ vacuuming up points, it's doing my head in not being on here...................argh..............:eek:
Hello, just lurking while having a light lunch, be back in the next week or so, busy lad.........nice to see Postie and DJ vacuuming up points, it's doing my head in not being on here...................argh..............:eek:

Nice of you to show your face.
Hope the market is still here when you get back.
S&P couldnt break through that channel I posted last week.
Its going down big time in spite of Central Bank intervention, I mean investing.
I always enter short too soon, there is always a tendency for the FTSE and DAX to rally into close even though there appears to be a sell signal forming, it never fully gets there.
Ok, I'm done. Would love to carry on but will quit while I'm ahead lol. Picture shows today's return, the red circle are today's Nasdaq trades, prior to that, Dax trades.

Good luck - hope you're all grabbing some of this up-move.

nice equity curve DJ.