Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

This would matter if stock prices were being driven by fundamentals.
"3:00am tumble- the World Bank lowered its global growth outlook to 2.8% for the year, versus its January forecast of 3.2%."

But then if stock prices _were_ being driven by fundamentals the dow would be 14000.

Long until I'm wrong.
Looks like the correction is coming :clap:! I’ve got the 1st signal today.(y)

correction? this is a bull market and there are still plenty of people out there willing to short. This would suggest we have to go much higher before there is a correction. We stop going up when nobody is willing to short ;)
In the spirit of sharing is caring my signal long is Dow 16860 hasnt been violated after 3 attempts.
They cant have the S&P closing Down 2 days in a row. It would cause panic in the US. :LOL: