Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??


Its move up 40 points in 4 hours. That's 1 point every 6 minutes. :sleep:

But it has started to drop from that trajectory. ;)
All we need now is some stupid 15 point up move then a fall. :rolleyes:
Its move up 40 points in 4 hours. That's 1 point every 6 minutes. :sleep:

But it has started to drop from that trajectory. ;)
All we need now is some stupid 15 point up move then a fall. :rolleyes:

Did you remember last time the market drop at the same time.
I'm glad its not just me ...

Why Money Managers Are "Paralyzed In Their Decision-Making Process"
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/28/2014 - 14:40
Bizarro market got you paralyzed with inaction (and unwilling to generate trading commissions for Goldman) as you try to make sense of an insane world in which first rising (but not too much) bond yields were desperately spun as positive for the economy and thus stocks because it means inflation is finally on the way, only for the same spinners to turn around and now allege that plunging bond yields are great for the Equity Risk Premium so you must, you guessed it, buy stocks? Fear not: you are not alone: according to the following note from FBN, what JPM, Citi and Goldman are lamenting, this era of a new permanently high equity plateau, and a permanently low vol and yield ravine, is driving pretty much everyone insane.