Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

So you play FDAX gap as opposed to DAX CASH gap, right?

In this case, yes. But overall, don't pay to much attention on gaps. It's just another small tool. Price action is the thing to observe and follow.

As you can see from the picture, price went into the gap zone and bounced. As so often before.

Your making a meal out of nothing, no point coming on this thread and deliberately complicating a simple issue................:sleep:

Which is why I didnt bother replying.
Some people just cant say 'I was wrong', Mr Market usually weeds them out very quickly.

The arrogance of some people is unbelivable. I appologize for bringing a small possible contribution to your glorious world. Won't disturb your kingdom anymore. Good luck. And another note to traders: don't lose time on forums. If you don't yet, you'll eventually understand why I'm saying so. :)



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Actually, no they don't. Depends on your broker, which instrument exactly and at which time if provides the data feed to you, but in reality, DAX (Frankfurt) stock exchange opens 1 hour sooner.

The arrogance of some people is unbelivable. I appologize for bringing a small possible contribution to your glorious world. Won't disturb your kingdom anymore. Good luck. And another note to traders: don't lose time on forums. If you don't yet, you'll eventually understand why I'm saying so. :)

You mislead people on this thread into thinking "DAX (Frankfurt) stock exchange opens 1 hour sooner" it does not! SB's provide made up prices all night long which is Not the same thing. New traders on this thread need to understand that.
Opinions (and trades) are up to individuals, facts are facts.

I 'lose time' posting a lot of banter on here to stop me making boredom trades which generally eat up your capital through commission / spread costs. Its a good thing.

If you cant take the banter on here, the real market will eat you alive.
You mislead people on this thread into thinking "DAX (Frankfurt) stock exchange opens 1 hour sooner" it does not! SB's provide made up prices all night long which is Not the same thing. New traders on this thread need to understand that.
Opinions (and trades) are up to individuals, facts are facts.

I 'lose time' posting a lot of banter on here to stop me making boredom trades which generally eat up your capital through commission / spread costs. Its a good thing.

If you cant take the banter on here, the real market will eat you alive.

I didn't misslead anything.

Automatic Xetra trading runs from 09:00 to 17:30 with closing auction from 17:30-17:35, floor brokers' trading times are from 8:00 to 20:00. In November 2003, Late/Early DAX was introduced running from 08:00 to 09:00 pre market and 17:45-20:01 during after hours and in 2006 X-DAX was introduced running from 08:00-09:01 and 17:45-22:00 (in line with Asia and US trading hours).

And in this times, provided you follow correct instrument, spreads are low. They widen (AS I ORIGINALLY STATED) outside this times, correct.

If you want or can benefits from the provided info, be my guest. If you wanna pretend to be the king of the game or of this thread, I'm fine with it. I don't have the time or willpower to argue with narrowminded people. I know I always have the space to improve and I don't know it all.
And note, my trading is not perfect, but is profitable for a while now. I was just trying to show some details (again - DETAILS), which are IMHO missing in otherwise interesting thread about indexes.

Anyway... this has no point and sense. Moderator(s), please delete my posts.

Pulled 13 on DAX, soz didn't post entry.....was busy messing with pc.

Postie, thanks for a treat....cheers....(y)
You will love this


Investors May Have Gained Early Word on Fed Policy, Study Finds

Some investors may have gotten early word of changes to Federal Reserve policy between 1997 and 2013 and profited by trading before the policy shifts were publicly announced, according to Singapore-based researchers.

Trading records show abnormally large price movements and imbalances in buy and sell orders that are “statistically significant and in the direction of the subsequent policy surprise,” according to a paper by Gennaro Bernile, Jianfeng Hu and Yuehua Tang at Singapore Management University.

The moves occurred before and during the time that reporters were given the Federal Open Market Committee statement in so-called media lockups.

On days the FOMC policy decision deviated from market expectations, “back-of-the-envelope calculations indicate that the aggregate dollar profits” from early access to the statement ranged between $14 million and $256 million, the authors said in the study titled, “Can information be locked up? Informed trading before macro-news announcements.”

The Fed, starting with the release of its FOMC statement on Oct. 30, tightened regulation of the lockup.

The stricter rules were adopted “to better protect the information against premature release,” Joe Pavel, a Fed spokesman, said yesterday. “We review our processes and controls on an ongoing basis and make adjustments as necessary to address any issues.”

Under new procedures, journalists from media organizations, including Bloomberg News, gather in a room at Fed headquarters in Washington. They are forbidden to carry phones into the lockup, and lines connecting their computers to the Internet are blocked.

Lines Opened

Journalists are given the FOMC statement 20 minutes before its release to the public, giving them time to prepare stories. When the 20 minutes elapse, lines of communications are opened and journalists allowed to transmit their stories.

Under prior rules, the Fed released the statement in the press room of the U.S. Treasury Department about 10 minutes before the release time. While journalists promised to respect the embargo, computer lines weren’t blocked.

The central bank’s process for releasing the statement came under scrutiny after trading in financial instruments linked to gold in New York and Chicago occurred quickly after the release of the Fed’s policy statement on Sept. 18. Trading in gold futures and exchange-traded funds linked to gold intensified within a millisecond of the 2 p.m. eastern time FOMC release that day, according to Nanex LLC, a firm that analyzes high-frequency trading.

The Singapore study, by contrast, focused on the period before the embargo expired.

‘Robust Evidence’

“We find robust evidence of informed trading, as measured by the abnormal price run-up and order imbalance of equity index futures and exchange-traded funds, during the lockup periods ahead of FOMC announcements,” the authors wrote.

The authors studied the E-mini S&P 500 futures contract, E-mini Nasdaq 100 futures, the SPDR S&P 500 ETF, and the PowerShares QQQ ETF tracking the Nasdaq 100 index.

The researchers found that statistically significant order imbalances that correctly predicted the post-release market reaction tended to arise in the E-mini S&P 500 futures market between 10 minutes and 20 minutes before the scheduled release of the statement.

In the 10 minutes prior to the release of the statement, E-minis rose on average by 0.2 percentage point more on days when the announced policy decision was a surprise, compared with days when the decision was in line with the market consensus, the authors said.

No Evidence

The researchers found no evidence of trading abnormalities during media lockups ahead of the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ release of the monthly employment and inflation reports, or the Bureau of Economic Analysis’ release of the gross domestic product report. They tracked trading around FOMC policy statements released between Sept. 9, 1997 and June 30, 2013.

Bernile, 39, received a Ph.D. in finance from the University of Rochester in 2006. He taught at the University of Miami from 2006 to 2013, except for August 2008 to February 2010, during the financial crisis, when he was a visiting scholar at the Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington. Last year he moved to Singapore Management University.

A paper Bernile co-wrote on the backdating of stock options was published in 2009 in the Journal of Accounting and Economics.
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Investors May Have Gained Early Word on Fed Policy, Study Finds

Some investors may have gotten early word of changes to Federal Reserve policy between 1997 and 2013 and profited by trading before the policy shifts were publicly announced, according to Singapore-based researchers.

Are they implying impropriety on behalf of large investment firms. :eek:
Who would do such a thing for a mere monetary gain. :whistling
Nikkei taking a big hit on ratings downgrade, might be pulling Dow futures down that will change when US wakes up.
Just one persons wild interpretation.