Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

ps. I will leave you to your thread and your need to be seen as superior and will just concentrate on my own thread. :)
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1. Your naivety makes you look silly postman.

2. As I said yesterday, you have a lot to learn my friend,

3. ... reading your last 10 or so posts, you have made sarcasm comments about GS aimed at me ... seems a little bitter and childish.


4. I'm guessing you don't like more intelligent traders ... based on your repeated comments about Germans and of course GS ...

Good day to you sir and good luck in the market today!


1. My posts are designed to add humor and levity to a stressful day job, laughing reduces tension and allows a person to make a more rational decision. I'm laughing as I type this. :LOL: (No, really).
2. Yes I have a lot to learn, the markets constantly change, you have to keep learning and adapting to win!
3. I've been bashing on Goldman for a long time now, way before you joined, any regular reader of this thread will testify to that.
4. Again, more regular readers will know this thread has a particular 'affection' for the Germans that pre dates your posts.

You come across as uber confident in your predictions, a bit like mystic Meg. I am like the court jester who's job it is to keep kings in check. Everyone is fallible, and if your trades don't stand up to a little light hearted banter then they are worthless. Your guessing what Mrs Market will do just like everyone else, sometimes you will be right and sometimes you will be wrong just like everyone else.
I haven't imposed any of my 'humor' on your thread out of respect for your attempts.

Good luck. (y)
only 3.7pts ex divi today.

only adp 12:15 today no other imp data

june sp500 2.75pt range so far. about 10 ftse pt

everything waits for us session.
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Is this the "sell in to strength" that I was looking for? Anyway, I'm short for 9640.5
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I'm thinking Dow does the same thing as yesterday. Pulls in all the shorts with a fake down move then consolidates up to 16560 level ready for the overnight push.
I might be wrong, I dont know anyone at The Goldman.

Dow close above 16500 today IMO.

Dow closed above 16500 and hit the 16560 level overnight, at 2.14 the Dow mysteriously moved up 25 points in 3 seconds and faded back down.
If everyone is expecting a big fall before blasting through 16,600 then why would Mrs Market give people what they are expecting?

Just my opinion!
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Genuinely serious question :innocent:

Does anyone know what Dow options expire today / tomorrow and where I can find out more about them? I'm keen to learn and not afraid to display my naivete to all.
Genuinely serious question :innocent:

Does anyone know what Dow options expire today / tomorrow and where I can find out more about them? I'm keen to learn and not afraid to display my naivete to all.

bloomberg terminal methinks, DT told me
Genuinely serious question :innocent:

Does anyone know what Dow options expire today / tomorrow and where I can find out more about them? I'm keen to learn and not afraid to display my naivete to all.

You could ask Dax. :D

You come across as uber confident in your predictions.

Everyone is fallible, and if your trades don't stand up to a little light hearted banter then they are worthless.

Your guessing what Mrs Market will do just like everyone else, sometimes you will be right and sometimes you will be wrong just like everyone else.
I haven't imposed any of my 'humor' on your thread out of respect for your attempts.

Good luck. (y)

"You come across as uber confident in your predictions."

If I wasn't confidant, I would not place the trades as there would be NO point!

"if your trades don't stand up to a little light hearted banter then they are worthless. "

My trades don't need to stand up to banter as thats not what they are up against nor how they make money. Your banter means nothing to my trades or income! They only need to stand up to the market.

"Your guessing what Mrs Market will do just like everyone else,"

I don't guess, I trade facts, my facts are GS option expires on DJIA which have been protected as called and as expected...fact, no fiction, no guess. I called and mentioned all of this yesterday before the move. The times my trades get stopped, is when "unexpected" news/comments/situations arise and cause spikes or dips/rallies on knee-jerks.

"sometimes you will be right and sometimes you will be wrong just like everyone else."

41 years in the financial markets and your telling me this?

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You could ask Dax. :D

You know what - I will, I'm not proud.

Please DaxTechnician can you tell me which Dow options expire today / tomorrow, and how can I find out more about them. :|

My desire to learn is bigger than my pride, (and bigger than my ability to use google to find the answer).
You know what - I will, I'm not proud.

Please DaxTechnician can you tell me which Dow options expire today / tomorrow, and how can I find out more about them. :|

My desire to learn is bigger than my pride, (and bigger than my ability to use google to find the answer).

DAX Knock-Outs at 9675 and 9690 today.

Also there are Turbo-Longs still sitting at 9380 and Mini Longs at 9244, PUTS start from 9650.

I don't have DJIA info yet, I get that in a few hours before the market opens.
DAX Knock-Outs at 9675 and 9690 today.

Also there are Turbo-Longs still sitting at 9380 and Mini Longs at 9244, PUTS start from 9650.

I don't have DJIA info yet, I get that in a few hours before the market opens.

With the weight of those PUTS and will be hard pushed to see an extension higher today on DAX. The most likely out come is a sell-off or continued consolidation.
DAX Knock-Outs at 9675 and 9690 today.

Also there are Turbo-Longs still sitting at 9380 and Mini Longs at 9244, PUTS start from 9650.

I don't have DJIA info yet, I get that in a few hours before the market opens.

excellent, thanks for the info DAXTechnician
DAX Knock-Outs at 9675 and 9690 today.

Also there are Turbo-Longs still sitting at 9380 and Mini Longs at 9244, PUTS start from 9650.

I don't have DJIA info yet, I get that in a few hours before the market opens.

Thanks for the info on the Dax. (y)

Looking forward to finding out what the Dow info is BEFORE I put any positions on if you would oblige just this once. If the info is good I will need to consider investing my hard won trading funds into purchasing this information for myself.
With the weight of those PUTS and will be hard pushed to see an extension higher today on DAX. The most likely out come is a sell-off or continued consolidation.

I should expand on that as its pretty empty explanation...

I believe GS and others have the option barriers where they do in order to stop price from rising further ahead of ECB and NFP as well as other events this week. If those barriers gave way, you would see an influx of buyers step in which would be harder to control and obviously produce more expensive prices.

2 things...

One: either these institutions that own the option barriers are looking to entice sellers so they can buy dips and remove the OP's for further rallies higher this week. (catch the sellers and trap into retail weakness?)


Two: They are selling now and protect those higher levels from breaking becasue if those higher levels are taken out, it will cost to much with more expensive prices to short and control an influx of bulls entering the market. If those levels are smashed, there will be to much money pouring in on LONGS to short effectively on ECB and/or NFP plus other factors.

All I know for a fact is that GS are protecting the level for whatever reason that may be!
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