Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Bad news came out from Japan over the weekend. NIKKEI, Shanghai Composite and then FTSE rallied on Monday whilst DAX and CAC kept quiet.

Bad economic news came across the Atlantic FTSE rallied and DOW ,DAX and CAC kept quiet.

This is not normal, there is something which we do not know. Tomorrow may be the last day to reflect the signal, otherwise market may rally to test all time high.

I am out of market until Thursday.

might see him later ...
jan...bulls run market up and then plunge it .....buyers left stranded

feb.... bulls buy more at bottom and run market up again ....previous buyers sell as jan high gets near

bulls buy more as market falls then push market up to moon .....simples

well that's how alexander sees it....but he's not always right :)


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still long dax?

Found out this morning my cubicle of woe has taken a turn for the worse - now they have also blocked yahoo finance! (n)

Che vita di merda!

Yes still long Dax 140 points on offer. :D

Its almost like your cubicle masters dont want you to make enough money to be able quit your job. :( Only another 17 months 2 weeks to go. (y)
Hello Guys

I am still alive... I reduced my activity significantly this week as I kind of felt completly f*** week.

I will be back in the business from next week :)