Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Dom today

From The Trader

Daily market outlook
17 February 2014


It’s all looking pretty good as we enter the new week. Granted, the economic data out of Japan was a bit ropey. But that merely makes more likely an intensification of the Bank of Japan’s money-printing drive, which in turn should goose equities further. Meanwhile, the rally in US, UK and German equities looks well underpinned. The S&P and DAX are within fairly easy reach of their recent highs, the accomplishment of which should settle the argument in favour of us bulls for the moment. I continue to seek to buy the dips.
Today's Market Focus
Sturdy S&P
Sturdy S&P

The S&P is well on its way back to the highs at 1851. The strong advances followed by shallow pullbacks are characteristic of a genuine advance, rather than a corrective rally, as the bears would have us believe it is.

DAY: I’d buy a bounce off the 21-fourhourly EMA.

POSITION: I’d buy a bounce off the 21-fourhourly EMA.

1825.1 1906.2
1814.1 1892.1
1777.4 1871.1
1767.5 1851.1
morning Jessi and Dick Lexic

DL i heard the sums do not add up for solar panels
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Just had a quick spoof in da Bund but closed out for all of one point profit.


Done trading for day, always better for me when one of the major markets has a holiday as the US today and there's so much liquidity missing.
10 weapons Wall Street uses to manipulate you

Commentary: No quantum computer needed for this profit-making machine

1. Hire psychologists, neuroscientists to manipulate the media

2. Free experts constantly deliver Wall Street’s message to media

3. Invest megabucks on lobbyists to control politicians, government

4. Fuel anxiety by pushing the investor’s buy/sell/ trade button

5. Kill our savings button, undercut self-confidence, long-term planning.....


this is a good read
Everyone gone for a w*** err I meant down for an early session at the pub already ?


Cheers to that, switched off my trading computer.

oh you're a bad influence, bsd :devilish: Here's the rest of us striving to catch a ripple in a mill pond calm market and here you are teasing us.

Naughty boy :LOL: