Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Nothing like pushing the Dax up out of hours to catch late shorts from this afternoon... :rolleyes:
A different view of TA on FTSE. Whenever MACD crossed over FTSE lost about 300 points. Now, FTSE already down more then 300 points. Is it end of down turn?

Well, after the cross over, FTSE continued down swing for at least 15-30 days.

This time speed was fast... I would say super fast... only 4 to 5 days. Which indicates panic ! not a healthy market move... that now suggest that there should be a second test sooner rather then later...

For the time, FTSE found support on 23.6 fib and 200 MA.

If that down trend has to continue... this chart needs MA cross over (50 MA , 200 MA). In order to make cross over price must reach near 6650..(+- 15 points)


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On the weekly chart. FTSE seems to be hovering at 50 MA...MACD diverging, which suggests that it will be [A] A range bound for some time at least significant part of 2014. Further down trend after consolidation.

If [A] is true then FTSE will swing between 6800 - 6000 for a significant part of 2014. I don't see it making new high in near future.


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More people see the light!

"...I agree, but I do wish that writers with the understanding this one has, would focus less on technicals, which are lagging indicators, and focus instead on the reasons for what is happening.

In this case it is important to understand that the markets exist as a profit making enterprise of the Market Makers, that above all other reasons for their existence.

When the MMs see that having a short position is the thing to have in order to make profits on what is coming, they cannot simply give themselves those short positions. they need to accumulate them. One way to do that is to push prices lower to sucker in shorters. Then later, the MMs will whisk the price back up to stop out shorters. That is how the MMs obtain the liquidity to apply to filling their own short orders!
And think about this, too. On the liquidity creating drive up, the longs are going to get suckered too, creating more liquidity for the MMs to accumulate short orders! Later, when the bear MMs start their bear run for profits in earnest, these longs will get stopped out, will have to sell, which will produce momentum to carry prices even lower, making the MMs even more profits on their ill-gotten short positions!

This is how the markets really work. This is the kind of information that is most important. I wish writers knowledgeable about the markets would write less on technicals and "how the markets work" and more on "what the Market Makers do to manipulate the workings of the market", because time and again the Market Makers manipulations are the real thing, leaving the followers of technicals as bag holders...."

A classic example of todays price action.
No matter how much people sold today the Market Makers just moved the prices up to the level they required.
We are now perfectly positioned to take out all those short stops set just above Dow 16,000.
More people see the light!

In this case it is important to understand that the markets exist as a profit making enterprise of the Market Makers, that above all other reasons for their existence.


All that said, there are something which we do not have any control on. "Unexpected things", "Surprises", "War" etc...

Human has little control over emotions, fear, greed... these can run out of time even for the people mastered the technique of controlling them, "WHEN" unexpected thing happens....

Another thing is, market does not like to be in confusing state, dilemma or uncertainty....if this comes... people with great control of emotions, fear and greed, start to loose control.. all their plans and strategy go wrong....
What are you going to say about this for example "Equities will be 'last man standing': Nomura's Janjuah"

If there are 1000 technical analysts, they would never agree with each other...

similarly, if there are 1000 economists, they will all have different views on economy...

Every year, 100s TOP economists and Analysts predicts market if not 1000....

some one has to go wrong and other correct....
More people see the light!

"...I agree, but I do wish that writers with the understanding this one has, would focus less on technicals, which are lagging indicators, and focus instead on the reasons for what is happening.

In this case it is important to understand that the markets exist as a profit making enterprise of the Market Makers, that above all other reasons for their existence.

Wow, i'm struggling with your posts,is that a quote, or an opinion?
Either way, it's the belief of a mug......
"The mkts exist as a profit making enterprise of the market makers"..........:LOL::LOL::LOL:

Get a grip, or a brain...

This is how the markets really work. This is the kind of information that is most important. I wish writers knowledgeable about the markets would write less on technicals and "how the markets work" and more on "what the Market Makers do to manipulate the workings of the market", because time and again the Market Makers manipulations are the real thing, leaving the followers of technicals as bag holders...."

Complete hogwash, and as somebody who spent decades supplying the market makers prices at which they could deal, for decent chunks, 20 mill on any quote, 200mill plus on a one off, your ignorance shows no bounds.....
I'm ****ing amazed you make a cent from the mkts,if you're really that ignorant.:mad:

Steady on sailor. Whilst I find the term MM unfortunate there was heavy manipulation by larger traders today at least in US equities. I say manipulation but it really is just a game of stronger traders liquidating smaller traders.
Wow, i'm struggling with your posts,is that a quote, or an opinion?
Either way, it's the belief of a mug......
"The mkts exist as a profit making enterprise of the market makers"..........:LOL::LOL::LOL:

Get a grip, or a brain...

Complete hogwash, and as somebody who spent decades supplying the market makers prices at which they could deal, for decent chunks, 20 mill on any quote, 200mill plus on a one off, your ignorance shows no bounds.....
I'm ****ing amazed you make a cent from the mkts,if you're really that ignorant.:mad:

I see from your comment " i'm struggling with your posts,is that a quote, or an opinion?"
that you didn't bother to read the article or any of the other responses that went with it before you commented!
That says a lot about how you form opinions and by extension what they are worth.
I hope your not that sloppy when it comes to your researching trading opportunities.

The comment came from a place you value more than Trade2Win judging by your previous trolling comment
"Re: Is Trade2win as lifeless as it seems to me?
In all honesty, i think this place is dying on it's feet.
...ooh ****, this place sucks, i'm off to FF"

Your previous comment to that says a lot about you also ...
Re: London Open and Daily Trend
"....Can't be arsed to read the whole thread to be honest, but good luck."

When you joined in 2012 you posted some really positive comments and then in 2013 after a 6 month break
you came back with a real nasty streak. I guess 2013 wasn't a good one for you.

Your posts say more about YOU than they do about the subject you post on.

Its a nice friendly thread here and I guess that's why its been going so long. Please respect our individual views and
contribute positively if you can.

I hope 2014 is better for you.

Anyway Nikkei has just re opened. I thoroughly researched an opportunity and am making a cent from it. (y)
Here's an interesting comment from a 33 year veteran CBOT trader (who still has a job trading) posted today.
"Mr TopStep ‏@MrTopStep 1h
How do you know when the S&P is going to bounce?
After the option funds roll lower and the margin calls go out !!! "

Notice he doesn't say 'When fair value is reached' or 'when we hit the 194.8 day moving average' or 'the 34.7% Fibonacci retrace'.
In today's market its 'mostly' about moving the prices up or down to places where the majority of people are forced to buy / sell depending on where their stops are. This generates money for people who buy and sell you stuff, there's a name for those people its Market Makers!
And in options trading have you noticed how the prices move erratically on expiry days, its so the price settles where most open options expire worthless. I used to watch this go on in the 90's on my Reuters terminal, you could even see the fights between market makers as they tried to make the price finish between 2 expiry values. (That was our entertainment for the day, we didn't have internet porn in those days to while away the hours).

Just my opinion, they cant hang you for having those yet, though it appears some people think they should be able to.
Here's an interesting comment from a 33 year veteran CBOT trader (who still has a job trading) posted today.
"Mr TopStep ‏@MrTopStep 1h
How do you know when the S&P is going to bounce?
After the option funds roll lower and the margin calls go out !!! "

Notice he doesn't say 'When fair value is reached' or 'when we hit the 194.8 day moving average' or 'the 34.7% Fibonacci retrace'.
In today's market its 'mostly' about moving the prices up or down to places where the majority of people are forced to buy / sell depending on where their stops are. This generates money for people who buy and sell you stuff, there's a name for those people its Market Makers!
And in options trading have you noticed how the prices move erratically on expiry days, its so the price settles where most open options expire worthless. I used to watch this go on in the 90's on my Reuters terminal, you could even see the fights between market makers as they tried to make the price finish between 2 expiry values. (That was our entertainment for the day, we didn't have internet porn in those days to while away the hours).

Just my opinion, they cant hang you for having those yet, though it appears some people think they should be able to.

early start or late night?:-0
Morning all

Last time when fed announced they are tapering 10 bl maket spiked above roof. Most likely they will announce 10 bl as expected today. Will market shoot again?

What happens when fed announce unexpected tapering amount like 20 bl or no tapering at all?

Interesting day.
Morning all

Last time when fed announced they are tapering 10 bl maket spiked above roof. Most likely they will announce 10 bl as expected today. Will market shoot again?

What happens when fed announce unexpected tapering amount like 20 bl or no tapering at all?

Interesting day.

morning Jessi

you were missed yesterday

morning everyone