Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Hey SD how come the banks spend millions on High Frequency Trading software that works on the microsecond level and yet the FTSE took 1/2 hour to move up after the retail sales 'news'. ;)
Hey SD how come the banks spend millions on High Frequency Trading software that works on the microsecond level and yet the FTSE took 1/2 hour to move up after the retail sales 'news'. ;)

i do not think the retail news is that good, I think the "analysts" forgot about the launch of the new playstation

10:00am to 10:15am is house keeping, after that done off we go

also postman recall the price action in last hour as dow closed did it get sold off?

overnight the dow cash session low did not get breeched.

I quickly cancelled my call for 16,350, think it got to 16,375. 16,460 being sell trigger
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how come no-one is wondering about the playstation effect on retai sales sterling spiked 130pips on news.
just been reading the elitetrader thread, "whodareswins" hahaha

Isn't that one just absolutely incredible haha.

Managed to evade the then mandatory service we had back then by conveniently being abroad at the time, and too old when I came back to be playing around in the mud with 18 years olds, and being yelled at by a 20 year old.

Truer words never spoken, David Kyte:

"If you buy near the bottom of the market, it’s very easy to get out soon thereafter. If you hear, on the bunds, the market’s fallen to 47 with a low and I bought at 50, most people get out at 52, in and out. That’s your luck for buying at 50. You make your luck by pushing it, and if it goes from 50 to 60 to 70, then maybe you get out at 80. That’s pushing your luck. And that’s the difference between a good trader and an average one. Pushing your luck, by, if you’re fortunate to get into a good trade, just keeping going and trying to squeeze every last penny out of it. It’s not just waiting to see what happens, it’s also having a feel for what will happen.’"