Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

aye, ftse still trading strong - underwater atm, but still waiting to make it up to full positions when dow starts showing some decent action.

are we seeing the US//Europe disconnect

hedgies been runnning long europe/short us strats
are we seeing the US//Europe disconnect

hedgies been runnning long europe/short us strats

Well Nov/Dec showed a strong "disconnect" to the weak side, so maybe the latest strength is just compensating for that. Just goes to show that if you wait long enough the elastic band snaps back :LOL:
Old Dame ftse must be nearly having a stroke today, down 60 then up 80 all in one day ! :eek:
Oscar today :

"OMNI is calling for a short with all 8 cylinders" :LOL:

Oh and there's still 2 places left on his training camp if your interested.... :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Oscar today :

"OMNI is calling for a short with all 8 cylinders" :LOL:

Oh and there's still 2 places left on his training camp if your interested.... :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

got dow buy level of 16,294

we are 6pts above that. so lets see if strength is sold early
Cheap and not cheap is very subjective and changes the meaning with shock... till then lets continue the trading and focus on chart.... truth will be revealed in coming weeks or month!!! :rolleyes:

ok jessi

when dow did plunge 180pts how many could believe ftse could be +15 ?

market goes to where few people expect

could ftse strength be shorts using it to cover/protect positions
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From Larry Levin newsletter :
For most of the major US equity indices Monday’s plunge was the worst day since August 27th. All indices are now negative year-to-date as the outperforming Dow Transports were smacked over 1.8% from its intraday highs. NASDAQ once again touched green year-to-date early on in the day, then tumbled aggressively.

What was the catalyst for the aggressive sell off? We all now know that in the new bizzaro-world of the liquidity economy, good news is in fact bad news for the market. So Friday’s late ramp fest fak- out may have been the big money’s chance to exit on the **** poor employment data.

Because Monday we were assured that everything was okay by Atlanta Fed President Dennis Lockhart. Just before Lockhart’s proclamations came across the tape, stocks began to falter. And when we heard his rah-rah talk….




…the markets fell hard and fast. Whoops! So what did Lockhart have to say about his market moving talk during the follow up Q&A?

“One of the stupidest things a central banker could do is comment on the stock market.” But we all know you can’t expect a Fed mouthpiece to be rational because Lockahart proceeded to add, “The stock market is not a bubble in any way.”

This is just the kind of lunatic double speak we’ve grown accustom to from our friends at the Fed. Central planning with a side of crazy!
Thought you y'all might like a look at a PnF chart of the Dax - it's a 3 x 3.33 reversal, so that every 3 Xs or Os equals 10pts.
