Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Must check my eyes - I thought you wrote "How dare anyone go long Dow? " :confused:

It was long Call @ 16035 for sure.

EDIT: Added Chart


  • DOW_2Dec.jpg
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16,069 was dow sell pivot today.

16,103 was buy pivot (6633 approx)

lets see what dow does into the last 30 or 60mins
goldman's agent on cnbc trying to put fear into the market, "76% probability we get a 10% drawdown"
There is NO way (In my opinion) the FTSE will recover back to 6660 before Wednesday. I'm selling anything above 6620 today.
That's it for me 1/2 a point every day is all you need ;) .... Drinkies time

left a hopeful long on Gold 1210.6 :cool:
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I am now thinking if ftse closing below 6600, I will have to close all my long
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