Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Its taking its time but its getting there.
16040 first stop tonight.
Then the Friday ballistic move upwards.
Non stop till January.
What do you think 16,600 ?

thats a bit strong, the vix is too low for such a large move.

6815 is ftse target based on options expiry implied vol

i got to check why my targets are not being hit, 16,044 i was thinking would be easy.

more work I think is required. dow tomorrow should do some backing and filling, before it can continue higher.
check BP daily chart, looks very bullish

morning htw

1794 todays pivot. sp500dec
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Morning all.
Off to a good start today - I'm long 2 positions on Dw from yesterday.
I'm going to keep playing Christmas songs until people get the message - Buy buy buy.

Morning all.
Off to a good start today - I'm long 2 positions on Dw from yesterday.
I'm going to keep playing Christmas songs until people get the message - Buy buy buy.

morning postman, check BP (british petroleum)
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FTse and Dax waiting for permission to go higher from the Dow. :rolleyes:
Dow is sitting at 16,000 on the futures. :sleep:
Putting the chart together this way helps us see just how important the Fed’s purchases have been to the task of sustaining the bull market for stocks. Whenever the Fed has decided to change the slope of the green line, the slope of the SP500 has also changed in a dramatic way. That makes it such an important question to contemplate a “tapering” off in the rate of growth of Fed assets, or even an outright end to quantitative easing (QE).