Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Actually its because I think the chart pattern looks bloody awful, and a downside move would make it better.
Lets see if the futures hold 560.

Not the prettiest charts, for sure, but maybe a close around 640, unless everyone in the US comes back from lunch and remembers the 'recovery' is actually a complete sham.
Does anyone else think the 10 year US treasury yield looks artificially low on the curve?
good morning everyone

Markets bullish while sp500dec is above 1759

FTSE support at 6745 (15,550)

dow buy/sell 657/621

volatility has fallen to VIX 12.93
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Morning all.
Another dull day I expect, all the action due later in the week. No point in trading just for the sake of it.
Pick up a few bargains in the dips.


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A thriller about a genius algorithm builder who dared to stand up against Wall Street. Haim Bodek, aka The Algo Arms Dealer.

30:22 dumb money
34:32 flash crash

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