Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Looking at the Dow one minute charts from Monday this week says to me we're in for an up week.
Todays chart says we just keep ticking up today and through tomorrow with a close on high on Friday.
This looks good for the FTSE staying above 6620 on Friday.
I'm looking for a good entry back into the Dow to hold till Friday night.
Looking at the Dow one minute charts from Monday this week says to me we're in for an up week.
Todays chart says we just keep ticking up today and through tomorrow with a close on high on Friday.
This looks good for the FTSE staying above 6620 on Friday.
I'm looking for a good entry back into the Dow to hold till Friday night.

up week needs dow to close above 235 on friday. tomorrow is third friday of the month so anything could happen
looking at charts u have standard settings of time, 5min 10min 15min 30mins, but if u set an odd number like 11mins or 9mins u get much better signals
your 285 working well


There are 2 options for me now.
If the Dow makes a break into 360, 370 ish territory before 6pm then I'm out for a while looking to get back in later.
If its just a slow steady rise from here on in I stick with it. (y)

There are 2 options for me now.
If the Dow makes a break into 360, 370 ish territory before 6pm then I'm out for a while looking to get back in later.
If its just a slow steady rise from here on in I stick with it. (y)

Looks like the Dow is going for a 35 point Pop in the next 30 minutes.
Taken a little break at 334. Getting back in later.

Currently 319 thats below the trendline for today so I'd like to see it hold and recover a bit before getting back in.
That previous close at 334 was a +49, add that to the +69 = 118 today.

Given that my entry was 15202 I've made 1 point more than I would if I'd bought and held. :rolleyes: Its nearly always the way. :LOL:
I'm hoping a bit of short covering in IBM will push the Dow up at the close. (There's no fingers crossed smilie but you get the idea). :LOL: