Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Thats a good point - if the Fed dont have access to jobs data due to the shutdown then they cant justify tapering. So no taper - markets go up right ? :confused:

the fed has access to upto the minute real time data, for instance payroll with holding, also they use data from visa/mastercard, they know exactly how the economy is doing. the data released for public is generally very poor. you coudl also look at the walmart chart and see how much stress bottom 40% of america is doing
there is a twitter handle @MYSADCAT its very funny.

My cat is sad because my other cat just confessed that when he was young he killed a man in a fight behind a pub.

My cat is sad because he read a depressing Sylvia Plath poem to a friend, who hated it, and is now ignoring him

My cat is sad because he took a foot spa in an attempt to relax for once but became racked with middle class guilt.
ftse down 53 and below aug 2013 low..

My cat is sad because I changed our Facebook relationship status from "in a relationship" to "it's complicated"

My cat is sad because its owner shorted the Dax and now it wont get Tuna for tea.
I opened a dow long 10 minutes ago - its in profit.
I opened a ftse long 1 hour ago - its still underwater.... :rolleyes:
I opened a dow long 10 minutes ago - its in profit.
I opened a ftse long 1 hour ago - its still underwater.... :rolleyes:


been ok sniping the 386 level on 1 min chart

6386 appears to be roughly 6350 on ftse December
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