Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Of course the Dow could drop 100 points and rise 101 and therefore 'break' a 5 day losing streak. :devilish:


the dow should have generated a longer term sell signal but it has gone above 15,294 in overnight trading, wonder if it can break 15,294 during cash session.
boom or bust.....maybe small hint on the vix 30 stocks poised for crash mode need to buy or it's bye bye ...ha all very clear
So much focus on the Jobless numbers and yet they are not accurate enough to put money on.

"...California is still having big problems. Gov. Brown earlier this week ordered the state to pay benefits to applicants even before it’s determined whether they are eligible. So the number of weekly U.S. claims could soar – or fall – depending on when the backlog-clearing strategy began.."

Also check out the 'revised' numbers which nearly always increase the actual number given on the day.
"it took you long enough to close that blo*dy gap"


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afternoon all

when's the fiscal cliff vote? Or has it happened? Won't get no boom, boom 'til they stand back front the brink yet again (if then,lol)