Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

IWM/RUT down 0.5%

if 15,340 breaks on cash, then probability dow having up week becomes almost zero
dow weekly candle, last week is that a "grave-stone doji" if yes how is it traded?

dow 15,366 will be curtains for the bulls
if Obama embraced the iranian president and kisses him on both cheeks (face) you would see crude drop by $20 and Dow surge

why is obama's speech so long? a speech at the UN can last hours "thank you ladies and gentleman , god bless america and end the damn speech

so much for the "dead cooked bull",
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Short here 6527. Should at least get down to 6512 Big gap pulling all the other markets down
ftse pretty keen to bounce now, but will dow let it

that's interesting - ftse signaled the bounce and tried hard to go while dow still had the anchors on. Started trading strong vs dow as we approached the lows and while dow stayed anchored, Different story now dow has taken over and ftse trading weak.