Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

I am a big fan of Dominic Picardi,

Investors Chronicle - Video: How to beat Wall Street

investor chronicle used to have a very good indicator for market trend called the coppock indicator, one of the most reliable indicators around

Yeah he's good but even the great Dom P still takes his tips from Postman...
FTSE "My preferred scenario is a drop to 6466.96.." FT's @DominicPicarda #ftse #investorschronicle -
Thery're all getting in on the act. :LOL:

FTSE down over 5%, Dax no where near...
wikipedia ...yeah oracle of knowledge

anyway two things

on twitter the dan zanger account does not show to be a verified account....I take such accounts with a big big pinch of salt....

secondly why would such a man offer his services for $100 per month with a free mouse and pad to go with and also offer 2 weeks free trial

why would such a person need to advertise on his twitter page that he has made such amount of money

after all he is not supposed to be a £1 per point legend

I am afraid alarm bells should start ringing for anyone who has even spent one day in this field

thanks for warning me, I have unsubscribed from him,
I'm closing my FTSE position from last Thursday 6480 - think I'll get a better price later in the day
I'm closing my FTSE position from last Thursday 6480 - think I'll get a better price later in the day

That was a long wait for 150 points... maybe the other 80 would have come faster, but it's never wrong to take a profit. :D
This downward momentum is picking up on FTSE DAX and Dow ... It will take quite a while to slow down and bottom out.
Thats Mr Picarda's target gone (6664.96)
- point 96 - yeah right because the markets are THAT predictable.

I did warn SD yesterday that if my FTSE call came off I would be unBEARable, so watch out guys.
Thats Mr Picarda's target gone (6664.96)
- point 96 - yeah right because the markets are THAT predictable.

I did warn SD yesterday that if my FTSE call came off I would be unBEARable, so watch out guys.

Great work, but keep your clothe's on.

Load's of Euro data on Thurs, with NFP Friday
closing short from 6620(red circle) here at brown circle
energy point of Mod Schiff and reg PF
and lower parallel odfMod Schiff..
I'm guessing were nicely positioned for 'Good' jobs data which will take us up (read pump) before the 3.30 dump.
And after a big curry last night - you dont want to be near the 3.30 dump. :LOL:
I'm guessing were nicely positioned for 'Good' jobs data which will take us up (read pump) before the 3.30 dump.
And after a big curry last night - you dont want to be near the 3.30 dump. :LOL:

Well todays jobs data not 'Good' but the Dax is pumping like a good 'un, and the Dow is trying to follow.
Dow to test 15,200 on the upside and break below 15,100 before unemployment claims tomorrow.