Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Morning Guys ! Buying the Dax this morning as long as this trend line holds!

The markets could liven up later today when Draghi makes a speech in Spain around 2.30pm UK time.
FTSE 6295 is yesterdays high

1508.5 was todays buy pivot for SP500 march. we have been above that all the time.
art cashin 50yr veteran

Up until now it has not been a burning problem, and the reason is fear. You have to lend money or spend money to get inflation. That having been said, the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis puts out what is called the ‘Monetary Stock.’ It is the ‘raw material’ of the money supply, and it has been dormant throughout the year.

The report for the first part of this year suddenly spiked higher, and it’s something that I’m going to keep a very close look at. It may be, and there is some seasonality, but I think people need to begin watching the money supply, particularly the M2, and see if that starts to accelerate.

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draghi going to speak? he tanked the Euro last time .

He is speaking in Spain's parliament to discuss the bond-buying programme.Also last time the Dax rallied during his speech (Algorithmic buying ?) and sold off after it finished.Seems to be a pattern, provided he does not say anything negative.
Stops gone off in the DAX needs to break 60 to target yesterdays high, eurusd rising, bunds coming off, RISK ON !
Eurostoxx spiked and reached its key resistance (41/42) on stops after Fitch : " german banks may limit trading rather than split" .