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We believe we are a credible organisation...
Yeah? Well, some f***ers will believe anything I guess.
We believe we are a credible organisation...
I suppose we'll have to ask Companies House then.
The proposal to strike off was due to accounts for the period ending 31st December 2010 still being overdue. CH recently received some correspondence which indicates that the LLP is required to remain on the Register and the overdue document will be delivered shortly. Therefore the dissolution action has been temporarily ceased.
Not exactly an admin error by Companies House then.
Savi are saying it was administrative error by Companies House though the DISS40 refers to a notice dated 9 August (which is not available on Webcheck). I suppose CH will provide an explanation in due course.
I give you guys the next year, then you'll be out of business.
$2999 and 4 months, try more like 12 years you fool.
The key point here of course is that if they'll mislead people about something that can be so easily verified, what else might they lie about ?
Its so easy to verify these things that it really is a disastrous decision to try to do it this way. Why not just say the accounts are late because the dog ate them or something, at least that would be hard to disprove, unlike the excuses that were given.
No matter how they dress up, sock puppets always drink the same kool aid and then read the same type of script in the same way...
The problem with forums such as these I guess is there are a lot of people with hidden agenda’s, they could be from rival companies...
Hello mr Dick Sagbooby
I am very interested in learning to trade from yourself please find enclosed a blank cheque signed
Look forward to your response
There is alot of back biting going on about Savi trading...maybe its true, maybe not, but can anyone tell me which courses are good to do, free or otherwise and if anyone has been on course withi Savi or any other, to then comment on the quality of the training they have received pls?
There is alot of back biting going on about Savi trading...maybe its true, maybe not, but can anyone tell me which courses are good to do, free or otherwise and if anyone has been on course withi Savi or any other, to then comment on the quality of the training they have received pls?
Yep sure, it's called the t2w course, spend a couple of years on 'ere, click on everything, every link, visit every other site recommended, listen to every bit of advice, (don't take it on board necessarily, but listen to it), it costs nothing but a lot of time and mental energy..
These course spivs just want you money, if they were honest they'd know and tell you that you have no chance of becoming a match hardened trader inside months given it takes a couple of years to become proficient leading to (hopefully) profitability and they cant even set you on the right path given it's a highly personal path of discovery..
Keep you hands in your pockets, other than to fund your account, the first one of which should be no more than 500 quid.
Good advice for now, but in the meantime if anyone has any suggestions with regards to how an ex fire fighter can go about becoming a full time trader, then please let me know! In the mean time I'll study T2W.... and read more. Lots more
Don't pay anyone for training or fancy software, it will all be useless to you. Either forget the whole idea or realise you are going to have to put in a couple of years work with a fairly low chance of success. Of course the people that want your money will tell you it can be learnt in a weekend, just ask anyone here if that worked for them.