Anyone going to watch the leaders debate?

It seems (from news reports and radio phone ups) that people are going to now base votes on personality having seen last night's showbiz politics "debate". Proof that the British are idiots. I don't care whether Clegg came across as nice or Brown came across as confident or Cameron has a hot wife. Who is actually going to un**** up Britain? And how come Labour haven't solved the problems (non-economical) that Britain experiences? Do they need another 13 years?

You know... I was thinking...

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because every other idiot sits in front of the tv with his hand inside his pants comfortably drinking a pint and being happy how ***ed up the world is, but it doesnt direclty concern him until he has to wake up in the morning and go to ***in work, where the internal system forced upon him coin his rights so he has to reset his brain every weekend
the one smarter and more ambtious will write about his problems on trading forum after making couple of quid and eventually one day get into politics to play with the sharks or rather give back his money
stop ***in whining, if u really so cheesed off you should do something about it

forum mu ass
***in hell

Intresting a 10 year old navy recruit....

Daveey boy you just seem to be lying more and more
I say....

Vote Lib Dem now (after shorting gilts and cable - leave FTSE planning to buy on the panic sell off, pound is gonna be worthless so index will ultimately go up) so as to get proportional representation.

Then vote UKIP in the election in a year's time.