I think that that is true, but some of us old ones have enough for ourselves and want to do something for our kids. Ours have had a good growing-up period and are established, but I'd like to leave them more, they deserve it. That makes me take on risk when, otherwise, I would not need to. Therefore, I took on risk with pension money when I still had other income. That risk has converted into a separate capital base which has, in its turn, become a steady earner.
3. Start trading with income coming in, never with capital in the bank and nothing coming in.
My problem is the opposite as i have enough savings to jump ship and try to trade full
time but also work and can pull a good wage so do a little SB and DMA but having just relocated to HK and at pains to try and go full time.
The advantage is that finishing work i then have time to trade the US market opening.
Well done on giving your kids a little more but im sure if you got them the right education and schooling they will finf their own way in life.
Forget the term but i thinj you need to go SKI-ing.
Spending Kids Inheritance as im sure you've give them a good start.... 😀